Selasa, 05 Agustus 2008

My Secret for The Secret

Bermula dari obrolan gw ama Hengky, sembari menunggu kehadiran Elson, kita ngobrol ngalor ngidul, mulai dari gw memberi usul supaya Hengky jadi Chippendale sampai ke metal opera (which is BTW, the most complicated music, coming from me it's not a compliment). Pas di tengah- tengahnya terselip obrolan tentang The Secret, it's some kind of documentary regarding the great Law of Attractions (It comes in DVD and book, mostly contained experts' testimonials). Hengky believes in everything it says, he even told me his "The Secret" moment.

Alkisah si Hengky ini sangat sangat menginginkan yang namanya iMacBook dan memang pada akhirnya dia "mendapatkan" MacBook ini. Jadi ternyata waktu dia menginjakkan kaki ke kantor kami untuk pertama kali, Big Boss handed him his in lend him. Other story, story goes he was planning on going to Bandung, words said that the traffic is awful and depressing but he sticked on going there after all. Through out his way to Bandung, he bend his mind on empty and unoccupied road..and voila....his wish all came true.

The thing about The Secret is that we probably already have heard about the concept. Start your day with positive insights, focus on happy thought, and the rest of the universe will led you to positivity, it also applicable in opposite way. We familiar with the concept but have never assuredly carry it out. But what I told him was, before The Secret unveiled the secret, I honestly knew and aware with the theory, the only thing that keep me from doing it intensely is my perception on Law of Attraction. Because I tend to keep my expectation in moderate level but surely assured, I'm a half full kind of person. Putting myself in this area is pretty much put the down side of the matter in the picture. In many cases, for me effort and submission work much well than personifying positivity. As a result, I will be relief and grateful if I eventually attain the goal, but I will be sincere if I failed.

Remember when I was blabbering about this cruel city? Well, my sister insisted me to go to Singapore with her. The thought of going away from here was fantastic, but reality check, I have job and datelines, what I don't have was money. So, the plan was drifting..didn't sure on going or not going...even though I said Yes to my sister, it was half hearted. Like that was not enough, there was some complication during the ticket booking...hah...maybe it's God's way of saying "I don't let you", however we continued looking for alternative ways. Turned out, well let's just say we had sponsor...and to sum were in hand, clothes were all packed, accommodation was set, and off we go. Sorry to say, but that was submission. I'm not against it..but...well maybe I'm just haven't profoundly comprehend the concept.

Rabu, 09 Juli 2008

Me and The Freakin' City

Di salah satu episode di Sex and The City, Carrie menganalogikan kalo hubungan dia dengan New York tak ubahnya seperti hubungan dia dengan laki- laki. Ceritanya New York ngga pernah mengecewakan dia, New York is so full of life, romantic, and untamed. At the last minutes of the episode, New York was acting out, unexpected events came all of a sudden...Guggenheim Museum suddenly closed in the middle of the day, heavy rain, people all yelling, and she was rudely shoved onto "single" seat at this diner counter.

You know what, that's exactly what I'm having lately...I can't believe I'm going to say this but Jakarta sucks. Sangat, sangat tidak adil kalo gw menyalahkan semuanya ke Jakarta, yang sebenernya ini sama sekali bukan salah si kotanya, masyarakatnya aja yang OOS (Orang-Orang Sinting, ehem). Dari sekian banyak faktor negatif tentang Jakarta, cuma satu yang mau gw ributin....lalu lintas!!

The last few days, ever since I got out of the hospital and finally able to seat my a** on the wheel, every morning the traffic irritated me. The slit-my-wrist traffic, itulah sebutannya..lalu lintas yang diisi dengan orang- orang yang sebenarnya ngga tau (atau ngga peduli) dengan aturan di jalan. Mungkin belagu banget yah kedengarannya..kayak gw orang yang bener aja, but please what kind of idiot who do Sunday driving on Monday morning, or running 40 km/h on the right lane, crossing the street when the light turns green, crazy ignorant biker who speed up opposing the current with no helmet and lights. Begitu menyebalkannya, gw sampe berpikir untuk pindah dari Jakarta..

Kalo gw me-relevansi-kan analogi Carrie, mungkin bisa dibilang gw menemukan satu cela di pacar gw dan tanpa kompromi gw memilih untuk meninggalkan dia. Di alam nyatanya sih, pemikiran tadi bukan gw banget...setidaknya sejak tahun 1998 deh. So, what do you think people, should I give him another try? or I'm just know...drama diva.

Senin, 07 Juli 2008

Divine Power Called Time

Recently I said something to my sister, something true and even though I'm the one who said it, it kind of hit me. Witnessed by a cousin of ours, without hesitation I said life after age 23 goes in nano second. And apparently the cousin justified that, she said "That's so true, hmm....I wonder why".

Dulu waktu jaman kuliah, seorang teman pernah bertanya bagaimana liburan semester saya (kebetulan waktu itu memang sedang libur semester), yang lalu saya jawab "Cepet banget, masa tiba- tiba kita udah mao masuk lagih!". Lalu teman saya menjawab "Itu tandanya lo banyak kegiatan waktu libur, jadinya ngga kerasa", dilanjutkan dengan "Ooowww" saya yang panjang, lengkap dengan muka plongo'-nya. Ketika saya minta klarifikasi dari mana dia bisa menyimpulkan itu, dia bilang inilah yang namanya mind games, lagi- lagi diikuti dengan "Ooowww" dan muka plongo' saya.

Isn't it ironic? While we're busy making our life little worth, we unwittingly let years goes by...right under our nose.

Rabu, 07 Mei 2008

Do You Consider Yourself as Superhero?

Kemarin untuk kedua kalinya saya nonton Iron Man. Ada yang bilang "it's an OK movie, not great, just OK", ada yang berpendapat film ini termasuk film adaptasi komik yang ciamik (halaahhh). Saya termasuk golongan yang kedua, I like Jon Favreau, I like Robert Downey Jr, and I've been a fan of Iron Man (ngga juga sih). Dan seperti biasa saya terkena sindrom pasca nonton film keren, yaitu mengkhayal. Membayangkan kalau saya yang jadi superhero-nya, hmm..kira- kira saya pantasnya jadi apa yah?? Umur segini kok mengkhayalnya jadi superhero sih...aneh banget.

Baru- baru ini saya ditanya oleh salah satu teman baik saya, saya buzz dia di Yahoo IM, tiba- tiba dia meminta saya untuk bercerita tentang what's really going on in my life lately. Ternyata dia serius, padahal sebelumnya saya sudah memperingati dengan bilang bisa jadi dia akan membuka pandora box. Lalu, merepetlah saya, saya mulai bercerita, sampai di tengah curhat saya lalu sadar kalau sebenarnya masalah yang saya ceritakan itu masalah sepele.

Then suddenly..I'm all wised up, I am my own worst enemy. Meskipun mungkin bagi teman- teman saya, saya dipandang sebagai manusia yang "tidak biasa" (I'm personally and optionally reckon that it's a mere compliment..ehem..I'm nobody but for few people I'm somebody, which I'm sure it also works on people around the globe). Dan satu-satunya mahluk hidup yang berani memandang saya sebelah mata adalah diri saya sendiri. Ini dia nih yang harus saya berantas, hari dimana saya dapat meredam ego dan keangkuhan, dan mencintai diri saya sendiri sebagaimana adanya, di hari itulah saya menganggap saya superhero, mahluk hidup terkuat di bumi ini.

Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

Enam Mei Dua Ribu Delapan

(Entah apa yang merasuki gw hari ini, kok tiba- tiba bikin blog???
bukannya selesain kerjaan malah bikin blog...)

It's definitely not the first time..I had one like this in Yahoo 360 but it's tainted with my words of sorrow and despair, in short it's kinda pathetic. So I think it's best for me to start a new one, fresher and inspiring one..well for me at least, I haven't decide whether I'm going to publish it or not..or should I keep it personal...hmm...tough choice, it's a matter of life and death. See, that'd be the first thing you ought to know about me, I'm such a drama queen.