Rabu, 28 April 2010

Don't Break Me

First quarter of 2010, was some sort hard on me. With all the drama and comedy, and a bit chick flick. The ups were shorter than the downs, I cried as many as I laughed, and I was forced to change rather faster than I thought. On January I met someone, whom to this very day keeps me in thrill, both bad and good ways. February as usual, pretty mundane for month of love and nothing exciting happened on my birthday. March I learned that what goes around indeed comes around. On April I realized, the highs and lows have changed me.

Relationship-wise, I used to be unfaithful in most relationships I've made, unnaturally infidelity always sicken me, I hate being lied to. I used to be good in lying, I knew how to lured and manipulated people, I knew how to act. Knowing that, some warning mechanism grew on me and each time someone's not telling me the truth, my brain automatically received some weird signal. The tricky part is, the mechanism didn't work that accurately when you're in love, the alarming sound quenched by the ecstasy, leaving only mild gut feeling in your chest. What the head think contradicted what the heart say. However, I asked for the truth..and it revealed. It stung me and it stung me good, though I had been in much worse condition but it still shook me. Anyway, I've decided to give him a chance, despite the love..I just feel that I have to make this work, I would like to see me try.

Career-wise, well let's just say that..client is king. I think they noticed my lack of enthusiasm in working with them, so they decided that they don't want me in the team anymore. By they I mean the client, yeah..the client has absolute right in interfering its team. As for the management, they pretty much didn't do anything about it. The bright side is I got time to think what I want to do with my life. It may took quite a while to discover the answer, as matter of fact..I still working on that. I guess in the end we all need to pay our bills, no time for idealism.

Hmm..what come to this is that life hasn't been easy, I always looking for simpler way out in any problem, because life itself is not simple, so why bother yourself with complication, right?. I'll keep on moving, I'll get what I want, and maybe do what is necessary, such as getting rid off anything that will jeopardize my objectives, even if it means getting rid off something's sentimentally valuable.